Should you find the need to have your car shipped to another area, do consider getting help from a qualified and reputable auto shipping company. The basic role of a Car Transport company or auto-shipper is to pick up your vehicle, load it on their shipping truck and deliver it to your desired destination. It is important that you do not have a car shipped out without reconciling a few things prior to the transport.
First is to prepare your car ready for auto shipping. It is important that the car be cleaned very well. You can save battery life in this case by deactivating any alarms.
Weight translates to shipping costs and the fuel tank can affect this. The rate of shipping a car will be lower if the car is not as heavy. Leave just enough gas for the car to work when it comes to this.
If there are protruding elements to your car, it will be a good idea to remove them if the car can work without these parts. It is important for the battery to be checked out as well and see to it that no leaks are evident. Check the vehicle for personal items left inside, as you don’t want to worry about your things while the vehicle is being shipped.
Always be mindful of the bill that comes with vehicle inspection in this case. What the client and the transport driver have to do is sign the Bill of Lading. All of the inspection details and car status info are noted down on the Bill of Lading.
A second Bill of Lading has to be signed by the client and the shipper upon arrival at the destination. Take note of any damage on the Bill of Lading and alert the driver about the damage. Claims can be filed for such damages if the Bill of Lading contains them.
Another factor is the legality, which means one must go through with the Terms and Conditions before placing a car transport order on a company. In this case, you have to read and understand the documents provided to you. If something confuses you, you can always ask.
Oftentimes, shipping companies can’t guarantee the exact date and time of car delivery or pick up. It is because of the strict safety laws on car shipping by the Department of Transportation, added by the inspections on car transportation in every state. It would be an honest act from the shipping company to give you tentative delivery date, although this might not accurately be followed due to uncontrollable situations.
There are regulations that sometimes impede the transport of vehicles from location to location and this is where you can simply arrange to have the vehicle brought to another area. All the company needs to provide you with a quote is the type of car that you have and the destination area you wish to have it delivered to. In this way, you can find the best car shipping deal that suits your needs.
Your car is possibly one of your most valuable assets; hence, it is reasonable to hire service from the best car shipper in your area. Take these tips into consideration so that your car will reach its desired destination in one piece. Just ensure that you fill out the right information before bringing in your car for shipping.